Keys to the Future Nominations Due
This award serves to recognize and reward ASCLS members who have demonstrated their leadership potential to the organization and to provide these members with structured mentoring.
The Key to the Future Program is administered by the ASCLS Leadership Development Committee and is intended to assist constituent societies in the development of potential leaders to serve at local, state, regional and national levels of the Society. Additionally, the program encourages appointments and nominations of these highly motivated members to positions of responsibility within the organization that will further their leadership development.
Award: Recipients receive recognition and a unique Key to the Future pin at the annual ASCLS meeting. Constituent societies are encouraged to appoint/elect awardees as delegates to the ASCLS Annual Meeting.
Each constituent society should recognize their nominees by announcing their names at the constituent society’s annual Awards Ceremony and presenting them with a unique item designated exclusively for this purpose. The names of the winners should be published in the constituent society newsletter.
Find more information about this award and the process for submitting nominations HERE.
ASCLS Voices Under 40 Nominations Due
ASCLS is excited to announce the recipients of the ASCLS Voices Under 40 Spotlight, a recognition of our many, talented and committed young professionals under 40 years old. The ASCLS Voices Under 40 Spotlight has been developed to honor ASCLS members who have shown exceptional commitment to ASCLS, the laboratory profession, and their community at large at a young age in their professional careers.
Find more information about this award and the process for submitting nominations HERE.
Constituent Society Member of the Year Recognition Due
The purpose of the ASCLS Constituent Society Member of the Year Award is to recognize a member who has contributed significantly to the field of clinical laboratory science and to the state and/or national ASCLS in the past 5-10 years and who has, by outstanding example, inspired others over that time as an active member in the organization.
Find more information about this award and the process for submitting nominations HERE.
Annual Board Reports due:
All Region VIII Council Members must submit their Annual Board Report to the Regional Director.
Send to: Holly Weinberg, Region VIII Director
Fund-Raising Competition Submissions Due
The following fund-raising competitions must be submitted by the due date to be considered for recognition.
Political Action Committee Contributions
Each year the ASCLS Political Action Committee (PAC) holds a challenge to constituent societies and regions to raise funds for the PAC to support activities in the government arena in order to promote government policies favorable to clinical laboratory science.
The ASCLS Region which raises the highest amount of money at the prior year’s Annual Meeting will receive breakfast at their Regional Caucus at the current year’s ASCLS Meeting. The constituent society which raises the highest amount of funds (per active membership) in the past fiscal year (July of prior year to May of current year) will be acknowledged at the ASCLS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony with a plaque. Second and third place winners may be awarded plaques as deemed appropriate.
.Find more information about this competition and the process for submitting information HERE.
Promotion of the Profession
The ASCLS Promotion of the Profession Committee (PPC) proposes to raise public awareness of the clinical laboratory science profession by challenging members of Constituent societies to work together to raise funds for any charitable organization of their choice.
Award: The constituent society that raises the highest amount of funds per active member in the past fiscal year receives recognition and a plaque at the ASCLS Annual Meeting.
Find more information about this competition and the process for submitting information HERE.
Award Nominations due:
Nominations for the following awards are due today!
- Lifetime Achievement
- New Professional Leadership
- Student Forum
- Leadership
- Bio-Rad Professional Achievement
- Website, Publication (web-based or paper)
- Theriot
Find more information about these awards and the process for submitting nominations HERE.
Interim Board Reports due:
All Region VIII Council Members must submit their Interim Board Report to the Regional Director.
Send to: Holly Weinberg, Region VIII Director
State Omicron Sigma Nominations due:
First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to the ASCLS. Recognition is at three levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service.